By Rick Pedersen –Perhaps one of the most popular activities to embrace winter romance is a horse-drawn sleigh ride after a fresh snowfall. Very few things have had as many songs or stories written about them. My wife gets full credit for picking this trip and story topic, as itContinue Reading

Candlewood Cabins: A Destination for Recreation or Solitude Cover Story by Marilu Miller The story of Candlewood Cabins, actually begins just after World War II, when Richard Calnin met Mechtild. They fell in love and he married her. They came to the United States and started teaching at St. Norbert’sContinue Reading

By Jamie Norton – I was truly excited to have an opportunity to be able to attend and write about an endurance mountain bike race like no other in the heart of the Driftless Area at Hixon Forest in my hometown of La Crosse Wisconsin.  Just nestled in the bluffs of LaContinue Reading

By Rick Pedersen –  “Pay it forward”, is an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying the kindness to others, instead of to the original benefactor. By paying it forward, someone else’s circumstances, or life is changed for the better. Ultimately, the person paying it forward growsContinue Reading

La Crosse Paddling Club with Lori HammesAn Interview  How long has LPC been around, how did it start?LPC was formed in 2018 by a group of outdoor enthusiasts who value the numerous benefits of paddling, including exercise, friendship and a deep connection and sense of community that is established byContinue Reading

HomeGrown Nature School provides meaningful outdoor experiences in early childhood, in all seasons, to cultivate a deep connection to nature, a mindful way of life, and compassion for all.  Why tell a friend to come to the driftless region…It’s a hidden gem. Surprisingly full of outdoor activities. Hiking and boating, huntingContinue Reading

By Nolan Arentz –The La Crosse Distilling Co, located in, you guessed it, La Crosse, Wisconsin, is striving to change the way the spirits industry goes about procuring our favorite cocktails.  Headed by company owners Chad Staehly, Nick Weber, and Mitch Parr, La Crosse Distilling Co. opened last fall 2018 with anContinue Reading

Brad Fry – The Angry Elf By Rick Pedersen – I believe the world of CBD has much room for exploration. There is much room for misinformation and confusion, but also many benefits. It was with my meeting Brad Fry of Angry Elf Farms in West Salem, Wisconsin, that I hopedContinue Reading

Java Vino – Good things come in threes!  By Ben Potaracke  Good things come in threes.  The rule of three suggests that a trio of events or characters is more humorous, satisfying, or effective than other numbers. Java Vino is no exception. They have embraced this rule with wine, food, andContinue Reading

La Crosse WI – In The Driftless Each year, La Crosse County attracts more than two million visitors as people across the globe are attracted by the natural beauty and recreational opportunities offered by the upper Mississippi River area – including  the region’s rich history, unique attractions and variety ofContinue Reading

By Riley Hunter – Have you ever felt like jumping back in time and experiencing the world from the perspective of, as the saying goes, the days when life was much simpler? Well, I often think about it and try to jump back through the photos posted online so IContinue Reading

By Nolan Arentz – A place where your phone will tell you takes half the amount of time that you actually spend getting there, or maybe it was just getting back at me for dropping it all the time. Anyways, that is where you will find the venue for thisContinue Reading

By Matt Schumann – Expanding upon an article in the Autumn 2020 issue, The Driftless Area Magazine is revisiting Jangle Soapworks. Quoting the earlier article: “Jangle is an organic farm that produces Goat’s Milk Soap and other sundries with products for sale in several Mount Horeb gift shops as wellContinue Reading

What is your best childhood memory? I remember spending a lot of time in our tall pine windbreak. I would climb as high as I could – as a seven or eight year old – something like 5 or 6 stories high and just gaze at the landscape. This isContinue Reading

By Aspen – When I googled “vegan restaurants near me” and the Cheeze Factory Restaurant in Baraboo came up, I dismissed it as a mistake, or maybe Wisconsin’s way of telling me to get real. I’d recently gone from vegetarian to vegan and found my options for eating out narrowedContinue Reading