Do you have a life philosophy that you live by?It’s simple. Love. What do you like most about yourself?That I can be myself and not “worry” about what others are thinking. If you could change the world, what would you change?Wow. Big question. More women to be in positions toContinue Reading

Have you read any good books?Yes. I have read many. Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier is an all-time fave. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout (and her sequel Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door), Brood by Jacki Polzin, Fox and I by Catherine Raven, and Don’t Shoot the Dog byContinue Reading

Who is your personal hero?I have several-My Dad-who had a pretty horrible childhood, broke the cycle of abuse and built a loving family and had a ‘why not’ attitude that took us on so many adventures! He died over 10 years ago and I miss him every day.My Mom-who REFUSEDContinue Reading

Who is your personal hero?Other than Jesus Christ? Any person who sacrificed themselves to serve someone else! Anyone who is kind to others for no reason.The person who got it done because it just had to be. Otherwise I don’t believe in any other kind of Hero. Do you haveContinue Reading

Who is your personal hero?There is a little hero in everyone, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Jerry Baryenbruch. Jerry helped start an ambulance service in Spring Green when it was nothing more than a hearse, and kept it alive until we have a thriving volunteer serviceContinue Reading

Have you read any good books?Many! I am always reading at least four books at the same time: books that I read reviews about in the WSJ that pique my interest in the life of humans, places in nature, and, of course about great musicians. The most recent four:  BeyondContinue Reading

Do you have a life philosophy that you live by? Take only memories leave only footprints.   What do you like most about yourself? I can have the best conversations in my head.   How has this pandemic affected YOU or YOUR BUSINESS? Killed Burger Fusion Company and reborn asContinue Reading

  My husband & I just bought the Barn House in February to keep it in the family and we are excited to get The Owl’s Nest up and running for people to come enjoy the barn for fun and relaxation in Ossian Iowa. Tell us about a project orContinue Reading

We opened Margo+Lola in mid-2022 as a boutique and beautiful place to teach flyfishing and be a convenient gathering place for business meetings and social get togethers.   Tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career with your business.Having workedContinue Reading

What is your biggest accomplishment?I have lots of thoughts on this one, the first being that I haven’t achieved it yet. Another thought I have is simply remaining relative healthy–it’s a hard world we live in. And yet another is related to the relationships and ways of engaging with otherContinue Reading

He may not have the name recognition of other famous chefs, but by the end of this article, you will place him among them. For starters, Alan is a James Beard award-winning chef, although I doubt you will hear him tell you that. If you aren’t familiar, it is aContinue Reading

Today we are going to start at the Al Ringling Theatre. Al had wanted to give back something to the community that had been his home for many years and finally decided upon building a theater. But not just any theater. It had to be as modern and as safeContinue Reading

Tell us about one person who stands apart or has influenced you while here in the Driftless. One of my favorite people is Karen Innis. She is a Realtor and also an artist who does custom framing in our store. She shares many of my similar beliefs and values, andContinue Reading

Swing dance was always a very interesting but seemed very complicated. Professional dancers who flip, swing, and twirl their partners all over the dance floor. I am NOT one of those people, but I was drawn to it. Now my 2023 era of thinking was swing dance had literally diedContinue Reading

Born and raised on Waupekute/Očhéthi Šakówiŋ land – now known as Apple Valley, Minnesota, Laree grew up competitively figure skating and playing soccer. As a girl, she was all about freedom and movement, and that mysterious place where strength meets balance. At Augsburg College she coached youth soccer and tappedContinue Reading