As a seasoned woods walker, and wild food forager, I have found that Morels have three growth patterns. They can just grow singly, or in a small cluster. However, the third way is what causes morel frenzy in the first place, and that is the “Mother Load.” The motherload isContinue Reading

By Kylie Compe – Nestled in the backwoods of Barneveld, Wisconsin is a cute little barn that houses Botham Vineyards & Winery. Bright green trees loom over the little gravel road like something out of a fairytale as you pass by the vineyards and little house on the hill. DrivingContinue Reading

Dodgeville is geographically located among sandstone bluffs, steep hills and gently rolling farmlands. The surrounding area is referred to as “unglaciated” because it was untouched by the glaciers that shaped much of the region’s topography. It is also referred to as the “driftless region” because the absence of glaciers meantContinue Reading

By: Matt Schumann – On July 2nd I took a drive west from my apartment in Madison, WI, and headed into the rolling suburbs past the city limits. Throw a rock south of the “Beltline” (Madison’s Hwy 12, 18, & 14 combo that swoops under the city’s southern border runningContinue Reading

Join Us! We invite everyone—aspiring and accomplished musicians, poets, and storytellers, as well as appreciative audience members—to join us in celebrating our local talent. Enjoy a traditional open mic format in our main hall, complete with a cozy coffee house ambiance. A piano is available for use. Coffee and teaContinue Reading

Adamah’s Retreat Center is lovingly referred to as “The Hilton of Bethel Horizons.” This open and modern center features eighteen motel-style guest rooms. Eight larger rooms have two full beds, five smaller rooms with one full bed, and five smaller rooms with two twin beds. All rooms have private in-roomContinue Reading

Saturday Night Socials harken back to the early days of Folklore Village, when Jane Farwell organized evenings at her farm featuring folk dance and music, games, food, and fellowship, all put on by volunteer power. We continue to host a few Socials a year, some in Farwell Hall and someContinue Reading