Earlier that afternoon my little guy and I had stopped at one of our favorite places, Rumble Seats, to grab a sweet treat to celebrate the end of school.  Rumble Seats brings back nostalgic memories from my childhood. The place has a drive up, walk up and indoor seating area.Continue Reading

Who is your personal hero?There is a little hero in everyone, but I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Jerry Baryenbruch. Jerry helped start an ambulance service in Spring Green when it was nothing more than a hearse, and kept it alive until we have a thriving volunteer serviceContinue Reading

An innovation window opened between 1910 and 1930; between old style barns, then still (and forever) in use, and the agri-revolution style houses containing rows and rows of milking machines. For a time, Dairy Farmers built big round barns because they were following a sensible trend in crop production, timeContinue Reading

Where Art & Nature Meet – Spring Green has it all!   Spring Green and the River Valley are special in many ways.  Escaped the last great Ice Age, our visitors experience a landscape like no other in the Upper Midwest.  With picturesque rolling hills and bluffs overlooking scenic WisconsinContinue Reading

APT is a professional theater located just outside Spring Green, Wisconsin. Situated on 110 acres of hilly woods and meadows, APT has two theaters, the newly renovated 1075-seat outdoor amphitheater and the 201-seat indoor Touchstone Theatre. From June through November, APT produces nine plays in rotating repertory. With annual attendanceContinue Reading