Have you read any good books?Yes. I have read many. Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier is an all-time fave. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout (and her sequel Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door), Brood by Jacki Polzin, Fox and I by Catherine Raven, and Don’t Shoot the Dog byContinue Reading

The changing fall colors on my left and on my right are the cascading hills along the Minnesota border, which is right across the Mississippi River. There is just something about the sun shining through on this moody overcast day and seeing the bright beams of light as it ripples acrossContinue Reading

By Patrick Shea – Bicycle Touring came into my life during my college years. I attended a small school on Lake Superior’s south shore, where the deciduous and boreal forests meet and mingle. From Northland’s campus in Ashland, Wisconsin, I spent four years in an ever-widening spiral of aimless pedaling.Continue Reading