Points North: The Plant Musician
Tom Wall is a Midwestern rock star who uses plants as bandmates. He uses a device that harnesses the electricity in plants, which then turns those impulses into musical notes.Continue Reading
Tom Wall is a Midwestern rock star who uses plants as bandmates. He uses a device that harnesses the electricity in plants, which then turns those impulses into musical notes.Continue Reading
We’ve all heard about lead before, and its dangerous side effects. Long-term exposure has been linked to brain damage and organ failure in humans. It’s equally as devastating in wildlife. A 2022 study finds that about half of adult bald eagles in North America have chronic lead poisoning. Raptor centersContinue Reading
Credits:Host / Producer: Dan WanschuraAdditional Sound / Interviews: Aaron Peterson, Darryn SchulteEditor: Morgan SpringerAdditional Editing: Peter Payette, Ellie KatzSpecial Thanks: Ryan EldersMusic: Rebel by Nick Percev, Punk and Americana by HoliznaCCO, and Let Go Gecko and Sandpiper in Motion by Blue Dot SessionsContinue Reading
By Riley Hunter – Have you ever felt like jumping back in time and experiencing the world from the perspective of, as the saying goes, the days when life was much simpler? Well, I often think about it and try to jump back through the photos posted online so IContinue Reading
By Nolan Arentz – I am serious, and call me Surly if you want to, which after this weekend, I wouldn’t really mind it. Surly Brewing got its humble beginning in Minnesota in 2006 and was the only craft brewer in the region besides Summit, which started in 1986. LooksContinue Reading
By: Jenna Thomas “Oh sh!#,” a man who faintly reminded me of Santa with a short beard said as he glanced at the clock, “I forgot to put money in the parking meter, I’ll be right back.” And he left the classroom. This happened on the third floor of theContinue Reading