Todd Henning- Rock Cut E-Bikes

How would you describe yourself?
Joyful, caring, love God, love people.
Ambitious. I enjoy calm breezes, quiet places, and I adore children.
I like being in charge, and being productive.

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Husband of 40 years, father of five. I own 2 businesses and have a love for life. Despite not graduating from high school and living homeless at 16.

Have you read any good books?
1st book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Great book!
The Bible, best book.
The book of YES!
Many motivational books
Percy Jackson “whole series” Many others

Who is your personal hero?
Other than Jesus Christ? Any person who sacrificed themselves to serve someone else! Anyone who is kind to others for no reason.
The person who got it done because it just had to be. Otherwise I don’t believe in any other kind of Hero.

Do you have a life philosophy that you live by?
Care mostly and be GRATEFUL! Look for the best in people. My father always taught me, Be nice, be kind, be gentle! Be careful and be moral. Don’t judge anyone unfairly. Although love within a family is great, it cannot be expected of anyone for anyone. Love is something people give and respect is something people earn. Most of all, if you didn’t earn it, you didn’t deserve it.

What do you like most about yourself?
I’m a Rock, and survivor.

If you could change the world, what would you change?

What do you think is the meaning of life?
Being a servant, finding joy, being productive. Understanding it’s not about us!

Do you prefer working alone, or do you like working with others?
I work well with people.

What’s something that no one would guess about you?
I have an 8th grade education and lived as a homeless person.

What is your deepest belief about life?
Life just is not fair! Not everyone will like you. Life is to be lived, not suffered! Life is fragile and short.

If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?

What’s the one thing you wish you could have a do-over for?
That would be too scary. I could mess up anything. There are many things I could have done better, but best not to live in regret.

How do you work on yourself?
By constantly being grateful. Think less negatively!

What’s one thing you’ve had to overcome in your life?
My horrible self esteem, being confident, and looking someone in the eye. Feeling Smart! Being homeless. The death of 2 of my children.

How do you handle being in a bad mood?
I sing, and get busy doing something, anything.

Who is the most important person in your life?
My answer may seem strange, but I am. I keep the dream alive; I keep the attitude straight. Keeping the family strong, I work to make it all happen. I push past everything that comes our way. Holding up everyone around me in my family and my business. I serve the people around me, and mentor as many as I can. Other than God, the only one I have ever been able to count on. I want to be like the man one could admire. Without recognition for it!

What did you learn about yourself from any of your previous relationships?
Not to be passive aggressive. Be direct and more concise.

What question do you always want people to ask you about yourself?
How my wife and I met!

What is your favorite music, or your all-time favorite song?
Christian music is what I listen to most. Much more positive messaging. Best current favorite to hear and recommend to young people.
Daydream by “Lily Meola” Great message

If you weren’t here running your business or doing the work you do, what would you be doing instead?
Serving the church.

How has this pandemic affected YOU or YOUR BUSINESS?
Lost faith in our government, lost friends. Business survived OK. Made me more aware, and more grateful.

What is your favorite season in the Driftless & why?
Spring, when all the new life sprawls out and takes shape.

Tell us of an experience /memory you had with Driftless lakes, rivers or waterways?
Boating on the Rock River and found out why they called it the Rock River. Took out the bottom of my boat on the wrong sandbar. Learned the river better after that!

Is there any place in the world you have been that reminds you of, or is similar to the Driftless?
Never had a chance to travel. Never wanted to live anywhere else.

What is your best childhood memory?
Kind of missed my childhood.

What are some of your favorite places to go for fun here in the Driftless?
The Dells were lots of fun when the kids were little. My wife is from Minnesota. There are fond memories there.

What are some of your favorite places to eat here in the Driftless?
Not too Sure. I love to visit many of our many parks. Picnics are the best.

If you were to tell a friend to come and visit the Driftless Area, and they ask “Why” … What would you tell them?
Rivers, lakes and waterfalls are my favorite things to see.

Are you a Cat or Dog person?

Are you an Early Bird or Late Owl?
Early Bird

If given the opportunity, would you go to outerspace (moon, mars, space stations)?

What color socks are you currently wearing?

What skill or instrument would you like to learn or play?
The Harpejji

What 1 message would you put in a bottle?
Think less negative, love more!

What was your very first job?
Paper boy, then dishwasher

If any, what would be your dream job?
Doing it.

How / where did you meet your best friend?
We met when she came to a friend’s house and later gave me a ride home. Except I was homeless, and it was 30 below 0. She offered to take me to her home for at least a warm couch. Couldn’t shake me for the next 40 + years.

What does your dream vacation look like?
Scotland to see the Castles

Tell us a short joke.
What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
Position of the dirt bag!

If you could learn another language, what would that be?

I Would Rather …
Live in a tree house

So, what’s your story?
Born in Rockford, Il. I have been here for 59 years. I feel we are in the heart of the country. There is a feeling of security that I get in the main culture here. Our communities still have well-grounded and wholesome people. Don’t have to go far to see God’s beauty in our land. Misses the worst of the harsh weather. This is home to me.

Tell us about what you do for work or your business, and how long have you been doing this?
I am a machinist by trade. High precision grinding specifically. 40 years plus in the industry. I built my own grinding shop and made our mark as the go-to shop in the area for high quality grinding. “Rockford Quality Grinding”, 21 years in business. I now have grown another small business selling E-bikes, Rock Cut E-bikes. This will be my retirement project with my sons! Fun!

Tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your career with your business.
40 years of marriage and 5 children. Becoming a man who perseveres, serves others not knowing what that looked like, with no example in my life. Getting off the streets and becoming a valued part of society.

OK. I have also worked on parts that went into making the space rover on mars. Pretty cool! Also, parts for many different space and or high caliber related components.

Tell us about a recent project or problem that you made better, faster, smarter, more efficient, or less expensive.
We switched to a new CNC that had been purchased for another purpose, that was cut back. We found that with new tooling and tech for the CNC, we could increase production by almost double. On an ongoing production job, we were doing it out of an older, more cumbersome machine. We also redesigned fixturing that doubled our capacity in another ongoing production job. Just in the last few years, through Covid-19, we had to be more productive.

Tell us about one person who you’ve met that stands apart or has influenced you.
My wife Ann, She has given me a reason to do all of what I do. She led me to God, and family, and a purpose that could never come from anywhere else until you truly work to serve, and raise a family. When you love, and lose, or when you fail, or win, I have that person who gives me a why!

What do you wish other people knew about you or your business?
My machine shop is great only because of the attitude we carry throughout our shop. We care about our work, and we care about each other. We come to work happy to be there.

Now with Rock Cut E-bikes, we focus on community, and bring people back out to find Joy in being active, and riding bikes, enjoying nature, and feeling alive. What fun is that!
What A blessing to help people find that enthusiasm again.


Writing and Photos By Todd Henning