Mike Day- Adventure Traveler

How would you describe yourself?
A lifelong learner

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Being the nephew and niece’s favorite uncle.

Have you read any good books?
“Little House in the Big Woods” by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Who is your personal hero?
Mom was always a fountain of wisdom.

Do you have a life philosophy that you live by?
Teach & Learn. Think & Do.

What do you like most about yourself?
I can fall asleep anywhere.

If you could change the world, what would you change?
The amount of carbon we are putting in the atmosphere.

What do you think is the meaning of life?
To champion others.

Do you prefer working alone, or do you like working with others?
I like solitary work, but love working with professionals.

What’s something that no one would guess about you?
I am a big sport fan of women’s pole vault.

If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?
Hong Kong

If you could do anything, anywhere right now, what and where would it be?
Horseback riding across Iceland

What’s the one thing you wish you could have a do-over for?
Can’t think of one thing.

How do you work on yourself?
Diet & exercise, physical workouts every other day.

What’s one thing you’ve had to overcome in your life?
I am still working on mindfulness, which asks us to suspend immediate judgment.

How do you handle being in a bad mood?
Not very well.

Who is the most important person in your life?
My bride.

What did you learn about yourself from any of your previous relationships?
Talk less, listen more.

What question do you always want people to ask you about yourself?
Where can I get your book?

What is your favorite music, or all-time favorite song?
“Imagine” by John Lennon

What is another name you would give the Driftless?

What is your favorite season in the Driftless & why?
Summer for camping

Tell us of an experience /memory you had with Driftless lakes, rivers or waterways?
We celebrated a milestone birthday for my spouse canoeing on the Kickapoo River.

Is there any place in the world you have been that reminds you of, or is similar to the Driftless.
There is no place like The Driftless.

What is your best childhood memory? (Preferably here in the Driftless)
Our annual summer visit to Riverview Amusement Park with Dad.

What are some of your favorite places to go for fun here in the Driftless?
Wildcat Mountain State Park, and Amish shopping on the road between Cashton and Ontario, Wisconsin.

If you were to tell a friend to come and visit the Driftless Area, and they ask “Why” … What would you tell them?
Read the chapter in my book entitled “Conservation Country.”

Are you a Cat or Dog person?

Are you an Early Bird or Late Owl?
Early Bird

If given the opportunity, would you go to outer space?

What color socks are you currently wearing?

What skill or instrument would you like to learn or play?
I want to be a better horse rider.

What 1 message would you put in a bottle?
Perhaps we have come to the wrong planet, perhaps a billion years too late or too soon. Such thought does not distress me. It was enough to have come at all.

What was your very first job?
golf course caddy

If any, what would be your dream job?
I had it–a career in museums

How / where did you meet your best friend?
Seated next to each other in a high school class.

What does your dream vacation look like?
Hiking some place new.

If you could learn another language, what would that be?

I Would Rather …
Live in a tree house

So, what’s your story? Where were you born? How long have you been here in the Driftless, What keeps you here?
Having been born and schooled in Illinois, and then living in Wisconsin and Minnesota, has given me a lifetime of opportunity to explore The Driftless.

Tell us about what you do for work or your business, and how long have you been doing this?
Before retiring, I spent four decades working in museums.

Tell us about a project or accomplishment that you consider being the most significant in your career with your business.
Having produced more than a dozen documentary films, all shot in the world’s largest film format–IMAX.

Tell us about a recent project or problem that you made better, faster, smarter, more efficient, or less expensive.
Being involved in transitioning the IMAX format from a film based technology to a laser digital technology for giant screen theaters.

Tell us about one person who you’ve met, that stands apart from the rest, or has influenced you while here in the Driftless.
Terry Mattson, CEO of Galena Country Tourism–a great team leader and a great guy.

What do you wish other people knew about you or your business?
I believe science is an essential literacy.


By Mike Day

Photo’s sourced from www.mikedaytravels.com

If you would like to hear more about Mike Day check out these 2 podcast below.

by Jason Moore

Filming the World’s Backyard; Travel Pursuits
by Rick Steves