20th Anniversary Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest

The traditional gift for a 20th anniversary is china or fine porcelain, but I’d rather stick with the classic sample glass handed out to the festers at the Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest held at the illustrious Fest Grounds in Downtown La Crosse, Wisconsin. Who would think that so much festing and good cheer could come from one small glass? Everyone at the festivities this year, that’s who. It’s fitting that good weather blessed the festival this year. This was the first time that I had arrived at ground zero without hurricane gale force winds and no rain in the forecast. Finally, I was able to partake in all the wonderful vendors’ tented up while also getting a nice tan. Can’t ask for much more than that.

There are two camps at Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest: VIP and general admission. I was lucky enough to be granted VIP tickets, which allowed me to enter the fest grounds two hours earlier than general admission and also have access to the VIP tent.

This tent offered many amenities, all at the palm of my hand, which the most important and most used were the water bottles and tented seating area. Sampling the local wares in the bright hot Wisconsin sun has its benefits, but always make sure to enjoy it in moderation. Also included in the tent is a delicious free catered meal by a local restaurant. Free is always delicious in my book, as well as a full 12 oz brew or drink of your choice. This is the only place to get such a beverage on the grounds, so take advantage in whatever way you find appropriate. I highly recommend snagging some VIP tickets for the 21st anniversary next year (Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest will now be able to legally drink, appropriate!), but you must hurry, as there is only a certain amount available before they sell out!

A general admission ticket is no slouch either, I might add. This ticket still gives you 4 hours of all you can sample beer, wine and cheese, as well as access to multiple food carts posted up around the venue. Tacos, pizza, and chili, just to name a few. Personally, I’ve never seen a chili vendor at a festival before. Unfortunately, the 70 degree sunny day mother nature had in store for us patrons that fateful day made it so that I did not get my first taste of food truck chili. I know it would have hit the spot if the weather was its usual mischievous self.

There were plenty of choices when it came to the beer selection, from the well-known power houses to the local favorites such as Pearl Street Brewery. Pearl Street is a brewery that has been a contributor since the very first Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest twenty years ago. Talk about commitment. They even unveiled a brand new concoction called Lamb of Quad. I believe it was a quadruple IPA, but at that point in the festivities, the type of beer was secondary to the imbibing of it. It was a smashing hit.

Besides brand new brews and awarding winning elixirs, you also have some wine cooler tents such as Beat Box and Big Sippz. Some relatively new companies, to me at least, to give non beer drinkers a nice buzz alternative or beer drinkers a step out of their comfort zone into the wine portion of the Beer Wine and Cheese. I fell under the latter, and finally I partook in the wine festivities. I am evolving. Even Monster Energy had a tent with their Hard Monster Energy drinks, which I didn’t even know existed. Now that I do, I don’t know if it’s a good thing because that was a very popular tent for me. On top of all of this, you get to pair it with your favorite Wisconsin cheese, or perhaps even discover a new one from the multitude of cheese vendors available at your fingertips. Need I say more?

Apart from the beer, wine and cheese, you can still find some merch stalls to pick up your new favorite boozing shirt, glove, hat, or thingamajig that delivers booze to your mouth. True feats of Wisconsin engineering, I dare say. Had too many samples? Maybe grab a bite and sit down and listen to the talented music artists that play from sunrise (12 pm) to sun down (6 pm) all throughout the festival.

More of an athletic and risky type? Then maybe you’ll enjoy throwing heavy sharp objects at a wooden target for a spell at the Ax Throwing trailer, strategically placed the farthest away from the beer. All you get is bragging rights and maybe a chance to impress that special someone, but isn’t that what life is all about? Might want to mix a water in there beforehand, or maybe not doing so is the secret to success. Remember, you do have to sign a waiver and I cannot be held liable for your actions. Unless you hit a bullseye, then I am.

Perhaps you fancy yourself more of a strategist and a card shark. Then, I have some good news for you. For the 20th anniversary of Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest, Euchre tables were set up where you could actually win door prizes based on how well you did against your opponents. So make sure you take the worst card players over there and that free VIP ticket to Frothbite (Winter Beer, Wine & Cheese Fest) is as good as yours! I’m speaking from experience because that is exactly what I did, and that is the prize I won. Next year, you could be me, and who doesn’t want to be me?

Somehow every year the six hours seem to be about six minutes, but we all know how time flies when you’re festing it up. The 20th anniversary was a fantastic way to celebrate a festival that this community in the Driftless area cherishes very much. From beer to wine to cheese to axes flying all over the place, this festival always has us covered to ensure it’s a great time and definitely worth yours. So come on down to the 21st birthday bash next year! I’ll see you in the VIP tent unless you’re brave enough to see me at the Euchre table. Here’s to twenty more!

By Nolan Arentz


Also, a shout out to a few of our other driftless local vendors who attended this year.

Capital Brewery
Hillsboro Brewing Company
Skeleton Crew Brew
Great Dane Pub & Brewing Co
Toppling Goliath Brewing Co.
Turtle Stack Brewery
Baileys Run Vineyard 
Lost Island Wine
Wild Hills Winery