By Len Harris –

This was not how Len Harris Sr. had pictured his life ending. He had always believed that he would live to be an old grandpa with many grandchildren. He could not even envision his bride being left alone again. Fate could not be that cruel twice in her lifetime.
My mother (Jane) was actually quite familiar with death and being left alone. At age 16 my mother was orphaned along with her 3 other siblings. My mother’s parents each died of illness within a couple weeks of each other.
The Chestelson children were thrown to the wind after their parents died. The youngest Kurt was sent away to northern Wisconsin to an Aunt that needed a young male to help with the farm (Wittenberg). My oldest uncle (Sig) was away in WWII. The oldest daughter (Betty Ann) went out on her own and landed in LaCrosse where she lived the majority of her life. My mother (Mary Jane) lived with the local Drug Store owners (Ackermann’s) until she was 18. The Ackermann’s were the family’s closest friends and my mother did not have to move out of Gays Mills.

My mother had her hands full with 5 daughters, toddler to High School senior. She steered the Harris ship quite well and ALL of her children turned out as successful adults. I remember her stressing the need to manage ones finances and she instilled her work ethic in me. I spent many days in the ditches near the local high school picking up pop bottles for their 2 cent redemption. The nights in the rain with the flash light in my mouth and me crawling around on my hands and knees picking up night crawlers to sell to the local Sporting Goods store (3 cents apiece).

I can remember being jealous of the kids with Dad’s and the toys the children got at Christmas and birthdays. My gifts were quite modest compared to the mini bikes and snowmobiles my friends received. As a child I did not understand it well. I didn’t see when I was a kid that she was doing well to just put food on table and clothing on our backs.
I can remember breaking 5 pair of glasses my sophomore year due to trying to play basketball. She always seemed to find money to get me a new pair. She was on the side lines for every game from freshman through senior year watching me play football. She was always terrified that I would get hurt. I was 6’3″ tall and 162 as a senior. A Bean Pole as my sisters called me. My favorite sport in High school was track. My father had wanted me to be in track so mom followed up on it and made sure i was there and she was there at every finish line cheering me on.
As an adult I have looked back many times and seen how truly good of a job my mother did raising me. She led by example when it came to work ethic. She juggled a couple jobs and was a full time mother and father to us 6 kids. I missed exactly 2 days of school from first grade through graduation. Both of those days were for funerals.
Mom gave me a ride to the airport when I left to go in the army. She told me how proud she was of me and that I really looked good in my uniform. Germany was very far away and she wanted to make sure I wrote her weekly and called ever so often. I sent home 250.00 monthly to her while I was in the army to help her make ends meet. The only two times I have ever seen my mom cry was at my dad’s funeral and when she sent me off at the airport.
I am retired now and have a 22 year old daughter that worships her grandma and showers her with kisses and affection every time she is near. Anna tells grandma thanks often for being such a good mom to her dad. Mom has so many grandchildren and great grand children visiting she is never lonesome.

I told her the greatest gift I had ever received was having “HER” as my mother.
My mother and father are together now. My mom passed away December 22nd 2019. I miss you Mom and Dad.